• I want to improve the council's performance for residents and ratepayers.

    I was shocked at the results of the 2023 Community Satisfaction Survey and it's led me to take a stand.

    I also offer a unique perspective: over the past 15 years, through the companies I created, I've helped 10,000+ people find jobs, earn an income, start new businesses, and connect with their local communities.

    I’ve often been in the position of bringing about innovation with limited resources. Businesses today have to be more agile in their plans, innovate faster, respond to change and listen to community feedback in real-time – the council needs to do the same.

    I will bring authenticity, transparency, fairness, and innovative solutions to problems. I love getting things done and connecting with new people.

  • Supporting local businesses and economic development, championing freedom (less red tape), and advocating for all families.

  • The Macedon Ranges is divided into three separate wards, each represented by three Councillors. West Ward includes the townships of Carlsruhe, Kyneton, Malmsbury, Tylden and Woodend.

  • I am self-funded and accepting donations from supporters.

    I plan to run a lean, community-focused campaign and will DIY many things myself, such as this website.

    I am not a candidate created by any activist, union or lobbyist groups.

  • No. I am running as an independent.

    I have voted across the political spectrum in the past, and consider myself a bit of an old-school centrist before things became so polarised to the left and right.

    If I join a political party in the future, I would be transparent about any affiliations.

  • Please read the final section of my about page to discover more about my relevant experience.

  • This is my first time running in any government election.

  • No. While there are many causes I am passionate about and have advocated for in the past, I believe the role of local government should focus on what we can impact and control. Leadership is essential on some global issues, however, I don't think the latest activist issue of the day should distract from core council responsibilities.

  • I do not have voting preferences at this point in time.

    I would love your number 1 or number 2 vote.

  • As I work for myself, I have the freedom to manage my own time and schedule. This means I can control my time and commitment to the role. Fresh energy for the council will go a long way.

  • If you'd like to get involved in my campaign, become a volunteer, make a donation, or support in other ways, please contact me and/or join the WhatsApp Group. My phone number is +61 436 111 820.